Lot 23 Click here for addendum
Freehold Investment/Development Opportunity
6 Week Completion
Located on the junction with Saltaire Road approximately ½ a mile from Shipley town centre. Shipley is an historic market and tourist town, famous for the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Industrial Village of Saltaire, situated approximately 10 miles north-west of Leeds.
A single storey building comprising a brick-built Electricity Sub-Station located at the end of a row of garages.
Electricity Sub-Station
Built Width 17'10"
Built Depth 16'4"
¹Not inspected by Barnett Ross.
VAT is NOT applicable to this Lot
The entire property is let on a full repairing lease to Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc (T/O for Y/E 31/12/2021 £467m, Pre-Tax Profit £175m and Shareholders' Funds £1.628bn) for a term of 60 years from 1st May 1961 (Holding Over) at a fixed ground rent of £10 per annum exclusive.
Note: There may be potential to convert the building to a Double Garage, subject to obtaining possession and the necessary consents.