Lot 18 Click here for addendum
2 Bed Flat let on an AST
4 Week Completion
Located close to the junction with Windmill Bridge (A222) conveniently situated less than ½ a mile from Croydon town centre and ideally located for West Croydon (London Overground, Tram and National Rail) and East Croydon (National Rail) Stations.
Croydon is a principal retail centre approximately 10 miles to the south of central London being adjacent to the A23 which gives direct access to the National Motorway Network via the M23 and M25.
Forming the entire first floor of this detached building comprising a Self-Contained 2 Bed Flat accessed from its own side entrance via a communal gated passageway. In addition the property includes a Rear Garden and use of a Parking Space on the front forecourt (see Note 1).
First Floor Flat (measurements to maximum points)
Bedroom 1 11'8" x 11'5"
Bedroom 2 11'6" x 8'11"
Living Room 11'10" x 11'5"
Kitchen/Diner 11'9" x 11'4"
Bathroom/WC 8'6" x 4'10"
GIA Approx. 615 sq ft
VAT is NOT applicable to this Lot
Leasehold for a term of 99 years from 29th September 1989 (thus having approx. 67¼ years unexpired - see Note 2) at a ground rent of £50 p.a. (rising by £50 p.a. every 33 years).
The property is let on an AST to an Individual for a term of 1 year from 20th August 2018 (holding over - in occupation since 2016) at a current rent of £12,600 per annum exclusive (£1,050 pcm).
Vendor's ERV £13,800 p.a. (£1,150 pcm).
Note 1: The lease provides the right to park in one of the front forecourt spaces between 7pm and 7.30am Monday to Friday in each week and on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays, but the tenant in the flat advised it can be used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Note 2: At the request of the Purchaser and prior to completion, the Vendor will serve a Section 42 Notice to extend the lease and assign this benefit to the Purchaser. This would be for an additional 90 year lease and extinguishment of the ground rent.
Note 3: There is a £1,453 Rent Deposit held.